Aaron Baker

Reposted from: https://reneweconomy.com.au/electrification-and-renewables-could-save-australians-60bn-a-year-in-energy-costs/ The electrification of Australia’s, and world’s, energy systems has the potential to create massive new opportunities for households and businesses to cut their energy costs and emissions […]

In the transition to a world free of fossil fuels, all eyes should be on developments in South Australia, because it is here that skeptics about wind and solar are being defied, and where the local grid is just one step away from being able to operate with no fossil fuels in the system at all.

With a clear correlation between stronger 2030 emissions reduction targets and investor confidence, the Clean Energy Council says that the Australian Labor Party’s (ALP) energy and climate policy can help unlock renewable energy investment, helping to deliver economic benefits across the country and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In Western Australia, one of the sunniest landscapes in the world, rooftop solar power has been a runaway success.

On the state’s main grid, which covers Perth and the populated south-west corner of the continent, almost one in every three houses has a solar installation.

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